True Colors by designed Melanie Berg

This store model was knit by Robin a couple of years ago right before New York Sheep and Wool. Everyone at the studio loved this color combination of a SPICE six pack gradient collection paired with a skein of PORCINI on kashmir. It is the quintessential autumn color combination for Rhinebeck and the Hudson Valley! We've put together a few ideas for you, including Spice and Porcini,
HERE but the possibiliites are nearly limitless so you should definitely feel free to play around with your own combinations of
SEMI-SOLID main color.

The pattern calls for 10 accent colors rather than the 6 which are present in the gradient six-pack collection, but since there is enough yardage in the six pack, no additional yarn is actually required for the accent colors. We simply worked through the colors in a back and forth fashion. That is, starting with color 1, the color sequence is 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1...etc. Near the end of the pattern, we simply picked the colors we thought would provide a nice interplay of color. Easy peasy!
This is a well-written pattern and an engaging knit without being overly difficult. The colors change frequently so it's easy to monitor progress and fun to see how the colors interaction with one another. The lace pattern is straightforward and shouldn't be an issue for anyone who has knit lace in a prior project.
Although the gauge is not critical for the fit of a shawl, it will impact the amount of yarn used. Therefore, we recommend that you knit a gauge swatch to ensure that you do not run out of yarn.